Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care System
Supportive Services
We ensure that all clients needs are addressed through supplemental assistance which address: income, benefits, nutrition, hygiene, household items, storage, arrears, and clothing.

Countywide Benefits and Entitlements Team (CBEST)
CBEST is a comprehensive program that provides advocacy, case management services, and linkage to needed health, mental health, undocumented, and substance abuse services. CBEST promotes the financial wellbeing of all adults with support in obtaining SSI, SSDI, CAPI, and other benefit services.

Employment and Education Services
HOPICS supports individuals on their journey to housing stability. Through our Employment Assistance Program we support individuals with job readiness training and connections to employment through a network of employers we have built relationships with.
Tuition Incentive Program supports individuals interested in receiving education to become a licensed Substance Use Disorder counselor.

Council District 8 Navigation Center
Using County, City, and HOPICS owned spaces we provide vehicle dwellers case management, support, and a safe place to park and sleep at night as we work them to find a permanent housing solution that fit their needs.

Clothing and Food Donations
Any HOPICS client in need can request clothing or food donations as availability allows.